New Students
The School places great emphasis on the values of wearing the correct uniform and dressing appropriately. Wearing a uniform is a badge of pride, creates an identity for the school and is an important part of being a school student. A school uniform teaches students to dress smartly and take pride in their appearance. A uniform diminishes economic and social barriers between students and helps keep students focused on their education, not their clothes. The school has authorized M/s Uniform City and M/s Master Uniforms to supply The Asian School uniforms in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Boys: Mocha color full pants, white shirt (pointed collar), school tie, white socks and plain black shoes.
Girls: Mocha color pinafore, white shirt (pointed collar), school tie, school sash, white socks and plain black shoes (flat heeled). Girls are required to wear black tights above knee length.
During winters, students of grades 8 to 12 are required to wear the school coat while students up to grade 7 can wear cardigans/sweaters of the prescribed color. Woollen skull cap if worn, should be black.
Every student must come to school in the prescribed school uniform exact in color, shade and pattern.
The color of the pinafore should be the approved mocha color.
The zip on the back of the pinafore should run from the top of the pinafore till the cut where the box pleats start. The box pleats should start from the bust area of the pinafore. This should be 1 – 1.5 inches below the underarm cut (for the shirt sleeve) of the pinafore for Grades 1 to 5 and 1.5 – 2 inches for Grades 6 to 10.
Box Pleats size: Measure the breadth of the pinafore from side to side. Divide this into 3 parts. The size of each box pleat will be one part, thus the size of the 2 box pleats will be 2 parts. The third part will be split as the 2 gaps between each box pleat and the side. The same should be followed for the 2 box pleats on the back of the uniform.
The school logo will be placed on the left side chest area of the pinafore just below the shoulder strap. The centre of the logo crest should be below and in line with the inner edge of the shoulder strap. The logo crest should be 1.5 inches from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap.
There should be a loop to hold the sash in place on the right side of the pinafore. The loop should have a press button fastener on the bottom while the top end of the loop should be stitched to the pinafore.
The sash will be worn around the lower end of the waist of the student so the loop needs to be positioned accordingly.
The knot and loose ends of the sash should fall on the left side.
The pinafore will have a pocket on the right side just below the sash hook. The length of the pinafore should be till just below the knee of the student.
The depth (back fold) of the box pleat should be 1.5 inches for students of LKG to Grade 5 and 2 inches for students of Grades 6 to 10. This applies to the box pleats in the front and the back.
The colour of the sash should be mocha brown, the same as the pant and pinafore, with black stripes. Sash has to be worn by students of Grades 1 to 10.
LKG and HKG students do not need to wear a sash.
The width of each stripe on the sash should be 0.5 inches. The gap between 2 stripes on the sash should be 1.5 inches.
The sash should have a slant cut at both ends (same slant angle at both ends)
First stripe should start 1.5 inches from the bottom of the broad end of the sash and parallel to the slant cut of the sash.
Stripes on the sash should run from top right to bottom left.
The sash should be long enough so that the broad end of the sash falls till the knee of the student and the narrow end of the sash falls halfway between the knot and the knee.
The broad end of the sash should be 2 inches. The narrow end of the sash should be 1 inch. The rest of the sash will be 2 inches wide.
Short leggings/tights should be compulsorily worn by all girls and should only be black. They should be 1 inch above the hem of the pinafore and SHOULD NOT be visible when the uniform is worn.
The color of the shirt should be white.
The school logo will be placed on the left pocket of the shirt for boys. There should be no school logo on the shirt for girls.
Shirts may have long or short sleeves.
Full-sleeved vests may not be worn underneath short-sleeved shirts.
The color of the pant should be the approved mocha color.
Elastic pants will be allowed only for students of classes LKG to Grade 5.
Students of Grades 6 to 10 will NOT be allowed to wear elastic pants.
The pants can be flat fronts or have 1 pleat.
The pants should be sufficiently lose and should not be slim fit.
The color of the tie should be mocha, same as the pant and pinafore, with black stripes. Stripes on the tie should run from top right to bottom left.
Stripes on the tie should be parallel to base slant of the tie.
First stripe should start from the bottom of the tie, 1.5 inches from the base. The width of each stripe on the tie should be 0.5 inches.
The gap between 2 stripes on the tie should be 1.5 inches.
The bottom width of the tie should be 2.5 inches (for smaller length ties), 2.75 inches (for medium length ties) and 3 inches (for longer length ties).
Velcro ties will be allowed for students of Grades 1 to 5. LKG and HKG students do not need to wear ties.
Grade 6 to 10 students will need to wear full length ties.
The material used for the tie should be the approved material.
The colour of the blazer should be black with a sheen.
The school logo will be placed on the left blazer pocket on the chest of the blazer for both boys and girls. The chest pocket with the logo should have rounded edges at the bottom corners. The blazer should have 2 buttons.
Blazer should be worn by students of Grades 8, 9 and 10.
The back of the blazer should have 1 cut (fin) in the bottom middle.
The bottom edges on the front base of the blazer should be rounded and NOT square.
Blazer Logo
The size of the logo should be such that the gap between the 2 points of the crest is 2 inches. The breadth will be as per aspect ratio.
Shirt and Pinafore Logo
The size of the logo should be such that the gap between the 2 points of the crest is 1.5 inches. The breadth will be as per aspect ratio.
Sweaters or cardigans should only be plain simple black with no designs.
Hooded sweaters and cardigans will NOT be allowed.
Woollen caps may be worn in the winter while outside but must be removed when indoors.
Headscarves should only be plain white with no designs. They should be worn short in such a manner that the tie and school crest is visible.
A SIMPLE black leather belt must compulsorily be worn by boys of Grades 6 to 10.
Only flat, plain black leather shoes with no designs will be allowed for boys and girls.
Only plain white socks will be allowed for all and they should not have any other design or colour on them. Ankle length socks will not be allowed. Full length white stockings may be worn by the girls during winter. (White tights tucked into white socks or the other way around is unacceptable).
The P.E. uniform must be worn by all students in Grades 1 to 12 on days when the student has a P.E. class. Kindergarten students do not have P.E. uniforms.
Girls and Boys: Custom designed house colour t-shirt (Red for Ruby, Green for Emerald, Blue for Sapphire and Yellow for Topaz) with grey sides, adorning the school name and logo on the chest and the school initials on the back and grey colour trousers with piping and pocket lining in the house colour.
The colour of the t-shirt will depend on the house the student belongs to. Students of the Ruby house should wear the custom designed Red t-shirt. Students of the Sapphire house should wear the custom designed Blue t-shirt. Students of the Emerald house should wear the custom designed Green t-shirt. Students of the Topaz house should wear the custom designed Yellow t-shirt.
The school logo should be placed on the left side of the chest area.
The name of the school should be embroidered below the logo. The school name should be 9 cms in length and 1 cm in height.
The back of the t-shirt should display the school initials 'ASB' as an embroidered patch. The size of this patch should be 5.5 inches in length and 2 inches in height.
The grey border on the sides of the t-shirt should be 2 inches in width on each side in the front and back of the t-shirt and should run from the sleeve to the bottom of the t-shirt.
The house colour piping on the side of the pant should run along the full length of the pant from the top to the bottom.
The house colour strip on the pocket lining should have a breadth of 2 cm.
The pant should have elastic on the waist and be of a stretchable fabric.
Plain white sports shoes and white socks. No fancy shoes or socks with designs will be allowed.
Uniforms must be neat, clean, and free from stains, wrinkles, holes, and bad odour.
The uniform must be procured only from the vendors authorized by the school. Uniforms procured elsewhere which do not adhere to the pattern, colour or design of the official school uniform will not be allowed. Students wearing non compliant uniforms will be asked to change their uniform before continuing to attend classes.
Haircuts for boys should be short and neat, off the ears and collar. Girls with shoulder length or shorter hair should wear a plain white narrow hair band. Girls with hair below shoulder length should make two plaits, tied with white ribbons. Unconventional hairstyles are not acceptable. Students may not dye or highlight their hair in any way.
Students must keep their nails clean and trimmed.
Boys should be clean shaven with no facial hair. Boys are not allowed to sport a beard or moustache for any reason.
Girls may wear small, simple studs as earrings. Nose studs will not be allowed. No other ornaments will be allowed. Boys are also not allowed to wear earrings or bracelets.
Absolutely no make-up will be allowed, including eyeliner or kajal and nail polish.
Transport is provided in Air Conditioned buses to staff and students covering most parts of Bahrain. Transportation of students is not an obligatory service from the school, it has been arranged through external agencies for the convenience of parents. However, the school does have a transport department which, along with representatives of the contract agency, oversees and manages all aspects related to transport such as routes, stops, timings, allocations, availability of vehicles, breakdowns and safety.
A separate prescribed application form has to be submitted for availing the transport facility.
Bus Nos., routes, pick-up and drop-off points will be determined by the school at the beginning of each academic year and parents can choose the most suitable stop for their child.
Change in bus nos., routes, stops and timing may be made during the year for reasons beyond the control of the school authorities.
Students may be moved to different buses during the academic year to maintain bus capacities. However, the bus stop opted for by the parent will remain unchanged.
Separate badges should be obtained by children traveling by bus and it is compulsory to wear these badges on all school days.
Any misbehaviour in the bus will lead to forfeiture of the transport facility.
If the parent of a student who avails school transport wishes to pick up their child early, then they should do so before 12:30 p.m. and only after intimating the school authorities.
In case a parent is not present at the bus stop to collect the child, the child will be brought back to the school unless otherwise advised by the parent beforehand. These children should then be collected by the parent from the school.
Change of bus stop for children can be made by the parent only with the approval of the school authorities, and for this a written application has to be submitted. Such changes will be approved only if there are available seats on the bus.
Parents withdrawing their children from availing of the transport facility will need to inform the school in writing at least one month in advance. In the absence of such an application, a transport fee will be charged.
Students going on holiday will have to pay the transport fee along with the tuition fee for the period of leave.
The school authorities are not responsible for any delay, accident or breakdown of the transport buses. Parents availing of transport facilities are doing so at their own risk.
For new additions and changes, transport applications should be mailed to
Rules and Recommendations
The ID Card and Lanyard provided to students from the school must mandatorily be worn to school every day.
Kindergarten and Grades 1 thru 8 students have only five working days with Friday and Saturday as holidays.
Leave of absence must be obtained by filling out the application form in the school diary.
Applications for long leave, transfer certificate, change of bus stop or any other school-related purpose should be submitted in original.
Parents are advised to not send their children to school with any ornaments, valuable or otherwise. The school authorities will not be responsible for any loss of students’ money, books, articles, ornaments, clothing etc.
Parents who wish to meet with teachers regarding their child’s progress may do so on any working day with a prior appointment.
Parents who wish to collect their children from the school during class hours for any genuine reason must do so before 12:30 p.m. Any request received after this time will not be entertained. Parents must also obtain an 'out-pass’ from the reception and present it to the security person at the gate.
If any person other than a parent comes to pick up a student from the school, a relevant authorization from the parent is required for the student to be sent along with the person.
Students will strictly not be allowed to leave early on exam days.
Parents should ensure that children come to school clean, on time and in the approved school uniform.
The uniform must conform to the colour, pattern and specifications laid out by the school.
Parents are strictly enjoined to not communicate with their children or their teachers during school hours without the permission of the Principal.
Students and teachers may not be summoned to answer telephone calls while attending classes.
Children suffering from any infectious illness should not be sent to school till the period of infection is over. At the time of re-joining after medical leave, a medical fitness certificate should be submitted.
Parents must intimate the School Nurse and Class Teacher if their child suffers from any allergies or major illness. This is extremely important for the safety and well-being of the child.
Parents should make it a point to attend all Parent Teacher Meetings.
Parents are strictly forbidden from entering the school building (except admin office area) unless authorized or a school event requires it.
The class hours are from 7:40 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Parents dropping their children to school are requested to do so before 7:30 a.m. The school gates will be closed at 7:35 a.m. and latecomers will not be permitted to attend their classes for the day.
Parents are informed to not drop their children to school before 7:00 a.m. and to pick up their children strictly before 2:00 p.m. Beyond these timings, the school will not be responsible for children.
As a precautionary measure of safety and to avoid confusion and chaos, children collected by their parents/guardians will not be sent out of their classrooms until buses leave the school premises.
Parents who prefer their children to commute by themselves have to complete two copies of the “Unescorted Student’s Travel Permission Form” in the School Diary and one copy must be submitted to the school.