Foreword by The Principal

The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.
With great pride, I invite one and all to surf The Asian School website set up so that you obtain a gainful insight into the goings on at the school. The value based structure and organized education aims at developing a sound character in the student with a keen sense of fairness, caring and integrity. What more? A complement of highly qualified and experienced staff strives to enhance the learning environment.
Children do not care how much you know until they know how much you care. The best possible learning environment is provided to them. Every activity aims at drawing out the best in the child. The plethora of activities laid out to mould students to perfection will speak volumes for our effort.
On the playgrounds of The Asian School where all forms of sports activities take place, children learn to accept defeat and celebrate victory. Sportsmanship develops tolerance and co-operation to live harmoniously as a citizen. Thus we empower all students to succeed in their world. Come browse through our website for a clear understanding of life at The Asian School.
Mrs. Molly Mammen